This reminds me of a horror film, the trauma that child and his family must have gone though is beyond imagination. The fear, pain and emotion that was and still is completely unnecessary. If only I could convey my knowledge to that family, show them the research, success stories and evidence. I see this in my day to day life: at school, we raised money for breast cancer research as one of the teachers went off to have chemo therapy. (We sell cakes! Ironically a contributing cause of cancer.) This makes me wonder why hasn't the knowledge entered the medical profession yet and where does that money actually go? It's going straight into the pockets of the researchers but what are they even doing? To me it looks like zilch! (See quote no.1)
Pic 1:
What frustrates me the most is that this was 100% avoidable. The evidence is there, the research is so strong that it should be injected into the medical profession immediately. There is no need for such grotesque and drastic actions to be taken, all it needs is basic, simple and exceptionally magnificent healing powers of fruits and vegetables. If you get out of your bodies way by giving it delicious fresh raw fruits and vegetables the body is able to heal itself. Mend the damaged DNA - reversing cancer or prevent the carcinogen from attacking the cells' DNA in the first place (see pic 1)
The health 'professionals' are completely oblivious to the importance of nutrition and need to be informed now. I find it unbelievably cruel on the patients to withhold this information. The doctors say "we don't know the cause of the cancer but we do have some treatment options for you... You have a choice of: 1)immune suppressing poison that will destroy every rapidly reproducing cell in your body 2) radioactive particles that will kill every living thing in its path 3) amputation 4) leave it, it will spread and you will die."?? Where is the logic in this... How can you heal the body by destroying it? Not going to work, it will always return! You must heal from within by boosting immunity, by removing the deadly animal protein and replace it with vibrant living whole fresh ripe raw organic plants eg bananas! It is that simple. The thing is we do know the cause of cancer but very few people know about it yet. Cancer can only occur in a toxic acidic body, make a clean alkaline body and cancer cannot occur. Think outside the box for a minute. If you get a headache your body is telling you something - dehydrated, tired? But many of us would just go to the medical cabinet and pop a pill. Would you ask yourself what the cause of the headache is and target that?
However, we meet a huge obstacle. Economy. I'm afraid the chemo therapy industry is worth over £2 billion! Companies like Sanofi-Aventis are earning a huge profit from this so would be completely against the nutrition aspect and would most likely do all they can to suppress this information from being spread. If you think about it medical professionals eg doctors are trained in drugs. They know all about them. Who makes these drugs...? Well they aren't going to be made for free, companies are going to make them and will want money in return. Therefore, the patient turns into a good way of making money. Sick patient = money. But don't get me wrong, health care is amazing if you break a bone, or are in a physical accident.
Anyone ever noticed that fruits and vegetables are never seen on advertisements or tv commercials? That's because there is no money to be made from it. Businesses manufacture the raw products turn it into something else and bam they can now make money. No farmer makes enough money to be able to compete for advertising space when they're up against huge companies like McDonalds who would pay a lot more for the slot.
On a final note, not only cancer but every illness, from Alzheimer's to heart disease to diabetes to osteoporosis to allergies are all linked directly to diet. It wouldn't hurt to consume more fresh juicy fruit and veggies. Nature designed these for us, we enjoy the taste, sow their seeds, they grow new life. This not only restores our health but the beauty of planet Earth.
Amazing books:
The China Study - T.Colin Campbell (solid evidence)
The 80/10/10 diet - Dr. Douglas graham (your guide to health)
Amazing videos on YouTube:
FoodNSport & online
Recipes on YouTube:
SweetSugarCrumble & blog
Megan Elizabeth
Quote no.1 from
'Professor Kevin Hiom is studying how the repair process works in normal cells and how, in some cells, mistakes in this process can lead to cancer. His work could provide clues to new ways of diagnosing and treating breast cancer, and help save more lives in the future.'
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